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Text 210
tāṅ-sabāre kṛpā kari’ prabhu ta’ calilā
seita pāṭhāna saba ‘vairāgī’ ha-ilā
tāṅ-sabāre — to all of them; kṛpā kari’ — bestowing mercy; prabhu — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; ta’ — indeed; calilā — departed; seita — they; pāṭhāna — the Muslims of the Pāṭhāna community; saba — all; vairāgī ha-ilā — became mendicants.
After bestowing His mercy upon them in this way, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu left. All those Pāṭhāna Muslims then became mendicants.