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Text 223
kāndhe caḍe, kāndhe caḍāya, kare krīḍā-raṇa
kṛṣṇe seve, kṛṣṇe karāya āpana-sevana
kāndhe — on the shoulders; caḍe — gets up; kāndhe caḍāya — sometimes takes on his own shoulders; kare — performs; krīḍā-raṇa — mock fighting; kṛṣṇe seve — serves Kṛṣṇa; kṛṣṇe — from Kṛṣṇa; karāya — causes; āpana-sevana — his own service.
“On the sakhya-rasa platform, the devotee sometimes offers the Lord service and sometimes makes Kṛṣṇa serve him in exchange. In their mock fighting, the cowherd boys would sometimes climb on Kṛṣṇa’s shoulders, and sometimes they would make Kṛṣṇa climb on their shoulders.