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Text 32
śuniyā śrī-rūpa likhila sanātana-ṭhāñi
‘vṛndāvana calilā śrī-caitanya-gosāñi
śuniyā — hearing; śrī-rūpa — Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī; likhila — wrote; sanātana-ṭhāñi — to Sanātana Gosvāmī; vṛndāvana — to Vṛndāvana; calilā — has gone; śrī-caitanya-gosāñi — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
Upon receiving this message from his two messengers, Rūpa Gosvāmī immediately wrote a letter to Sanātana Gosvāmī saying that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu had departed for Vṛndāvana.