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Text 102
sakāma-bhakte ‘ajña’ jāni’ dayālu bhagavān
sva-caraṇa diyā kare icchāra pidhāna
sakāma-bhakte — to devotees who still have material desires to fulfill; ajña — foolish; jāni’ — knowing; dayālu — merciful; bhagavān — Śrī Kṛṣṇa; sva-caraṇa — His own lotus feet; diyā — giving; kare — does; icchāra pidhāna — the covering of other desires.
“When merciful Lord Kṛṣṇa understands that a foolish devotee desires material prosperity, He gratefully gives him the shelter of His lotus feet. In this way, the Lord covers the devotee’s undesirable ambitions.