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Text 40
śāstra-yukti nāhi ihāṅ siddhānta-vicāra
ei svabhāva-guṇe, yāte mādhuryera sāra
śāstra-yukti — logic on the basis of revealed scripture; nāhi — there is not; ihāṅ — here; siddhānta-vicāra — consideration of logical conclusions; ei — this; svabhāva-guṇe — a natural quality; yāte — in which; mādhuryera sāra — the essence of all transcendental bliss.
“When one is attracted to Kṛṣṇa on the transcendental platform, there is no longer any logical argument on the basis of revealed scripture, nor are there considerations of such conclusions. This is His transcendental quality that is the essence of all transcendental sweetness.