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Text 55

dui pāśe dharila saba mṛt-kuṇḍikā bhari’
cāṅpākalā-dadhi-sandeśa kahite nā pāri

dui pāśe — on two sides; dharila — kept; saba — all; mṛt-kuṇḍikā — earthen pots; bhari’ — filling; cāṅpā-kalā — a kind of banana known as cāṅpā-kalā; dadhi-sandeśa — mixed with yogurt and sandeśa; kahite — to say; — not; pāri — I am able.

In two places there were earthen pots filled with another preparation made with yogurt, sandeśa [a sweetmeat made with curd] and banana. I am unable to describe it all.

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