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Text 25
cakra-vātena nīto ’yaṁ
daityena vipadaṁ viyat
śilāyāṁ patitas tatra
paritrātaḥ sureśvaraiḥ
cakra-vātena — by the demon in the shape of a whirlwind (Tṛṇāvarta); nītaḥ ayam — Kṛṣṇa was taken away; daityena — by the demon; vipadam — dangerous; viyat — to the sky; śilāyām — on a slab of stone; patitaḥ — fallen; tatra — there; paritrātaḥ — was saved; sura-īśvaraiḥ — by the mercy of Lord Viṣṇu or His associates.
Then again, the demon Tṛṇāvarta, in the form of a whirlwind, took the child away into the dangerous sky to kill Him, but the demon fell down onto a slab of stone. In that case also, by the mercy of Lord Viṣṇu or His associates, the child was saved.