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Text 17

pāda-saṁvāhanaṁ cakruḥ
kecit tasya mahātmanaḥ
apare hata-pāpmāno
vyajanaiḥ samavījayan

pāda-saṁvāhanam — the massaging of the feet; cakruḥ — did; kecit — some of them; tasya — of Him; mahā-ātmanaḥ — great souls; apare — others; hata-pāpmānaḥ — who were free from all sins; vyajanaiḥ — with fans; samavījayan — perfectly fanned Him.

Some of the cowherd boys, who were all great souls, would then massage His lotus feet, and others, qualified by being free of all sin, would expertly fan the Supreme Lord.

The word samavījayan indicates that the cowherd boys fanned the Lord very carefully and expertly, creating gentle and cooling breezes.

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