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Text 28

balaḥ praviśya bāhubhyāṁ
tālān samparikampayan
phalāni pātayām āsa
mataṅ-gaja ivaujasā

balaḥ — Balarāma; praviśya — entering; bāhubhyām — with His two arms; tālān — the palm trees; samparikampayan — making shake all around; phalāni — the fruits; pātayām āsa — He made fall; matam-gajaḥ — a maddened elephant; iva — just as; ojasā — by His strength.

Lord Balarāma entered the Tāla forest first. Then with His two arms He began forcefully shaking the trees with the power of a maddened elephant, causing the tāla fruits to fall to the ground.

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