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Text 34

balasya līlayotsṛṣṭa-
tālāś cakampire sarve
mahā-vāteritā iva

balasya — of Lord Balarāma; līlayā — as the pastime; utsṛṣṭa — thrown upward; khara-deha — by the body of the ass; hata-āhatāḥ — which were striking one another; tālāḥ — the palm trees; cakampire — shook; sarve — all; mahā-vāta — by a powerful wind; īritāḥ — blown; iva — as if.

Because of Lord Balarāma’s pastime of throwing the body of the ass demon into the top of the tallest palm tree, all the trees began shaking and striking against one another as if blown about by powerful winds.

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