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Text 57

tvayā sṛṣṭam idaṁ viśvaṁ
dhātar guṇa-visarjanam

tvayā — by You; sṛṣṭam — created; idam — this; viśvam — universe; dhātaḥ — O supreme provider; guṇa — of the material modes; visarjanam — the variegated creation; nānā — various; sva-bhāva — personal natures; vīrya — varieties of sensory strength; ojaḥ — and physical strength; yoni — wombs; bīja — seeds; āśaya — mentalities; ākṛti — and forms.

O supreme creator, it is You who generate this universe, composed of the variegated arrangement of the material modes, and in the process You manifest various kinds of personalities and species, varieties of sensory and physical strength, and varieties of mothers and fathers with variegated mentalities and forms.

Commenting on this verse, Śrīla Madhvācārya has quoted the Nārada Purāṇa as follows: “From Hiraṇyagarbha, Brahmā, comes the second creation of this universe, but the universe is primarily created by Viṣṇu Himself. Viṣṇu is thus the primary creator, and four-headed Brahmā is merely the secondary creator.”

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