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Text 63

dvīpaṁ ramaṇakaṁ hitvā
hradam etam upāśritaḥ
yad-bhayāt sa suparṇas tvāṁ
nādyān mat-pāda-lāñchitam

dvīpam — the great island; ramaṇakam — named Ramaṇaka; hitvā — abandoning; hradam — the small lake; etam — this; upāśritaḥ — taken shelter of; yat — of whom; bhayāt — because of the fear; saḥ — that; suparṇaḥ — Garuḍa; tvām — you; na adyāt — will not eat; mat-pāda — with My feet; lāñchitam — marked.

Out of fear of Garuḍa, you left Ramaṇaka Island and came to take shelter of this lake. But because you are now marked with My footprints, Garuḍa will no longer try to eat you.

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