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Text 5

ity ādiṣṭā bhagavatā
gatvā yācanta te tathā
kṛtāñjali-puṭā viprān
daṇḍa-vat patitā bhuvi

iti — in these words; ādiṣṭaḥ — ordered; bhagavatā — by the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa; gatvā — going; ayācanta — begged; te — they; tathā — in that manner; kṛta-añjali-puṭāḥ — joining their palms in humble supplication; viprān — to the brāhmaṇas; daṇḍa-vat — like sticks; patitāḥ — falling; bhuvi — upon the ground.

Thus instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cowherd boys went there and submitted their request. They stood before the brāhmaṇas with palms joined in supplication and then fell flat on the ground to offer respect.

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