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Text 13

tam āpatantaṁ sa nigṛhya śṛṅgayoḥ
padā samākramya nipātya bhū-tale
niṣpīḍayām āsa yathārdram ambaraṁ
kṛtvā viṣāṇena jaghāna so ’patat

tam — him; āpatantam — attacking; saḥ — He; nigṛhya — seizing; śṛṅgayoḥ — by the horns; padā — with His foot; samākramya — treading; nipātya — making him fall; bhū-tale — onto the ground; niṣpīḍayām āsa — He beat him; yathā — like; ardram — wet; ambaram — a garment; kṛtvā — making; viṣāṇena — with his horn; jaghāna — struck; saḥ — he; apatat — fell.

As Ariṣṭa attacked, Lord Kṛṣṇa seized him by the horns and knocked him to the ground with His foot. The Lord then thrashed him as if he were a wet cloth, and finally He yanked out one of the demon’s horns and struck him with it until he lay prostrate.

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