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Text 1

śrī-akrūra uvāca
nato ’smy ahaṁ tvākhila-hetu-hetuṁ
nārāyaṇaṁ pūruṣam ādyam avyayam
yan-nābhi-jātād aravinda-koṣād
brahmāvirāsīd yata eṣa lokaḥ

śrī-akrūraḥ uvāca — Śrī Akrūra said; nataḥ — bowed down; asmi — am; aham — I; tvā — to You; akhila — of all; hetu — causes; hetum — the cause; nārāyaṇam — Lord Nārāyaṇa; pūruṣam — the Supreme Person; ādyam — original; avyayam — inexhaustible; yat — from whose; nābhi — navel; jātāt — which was generated; aravinda — of a lotus plant; koṣāt — from the whorl; brahmā — Brahmā; avirāsīt — appeared; yataḥ — from whom; eṣaḥ — this; lokaḥ — world.

Śrī Akrūra said: I bow down to You, the cause of all causes, the original and inexhaustible Supreme Person, Nārāyaṇa. From the whorl of the lotus born from Your navel, Brahmā appeared, and by his agency this universe has come into being.

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