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Text 35

īdṛśāny eva vāsāṁsī
nityaṁ giri-vane-caraḥ
paridhatta kim udvṛttā
rāja-dravyāṇy abhīpsatha

īdṛśāni — of this sort; eva — indeed; vāsāṁsi — garments; nityam — always; giri — on the mountains; vane — and in the forests; carāḥ — those who travel; paridhatta — would put on; kim — whether; udvṛttāḥ — impudent; rāja — the King’s; dravyāṇi — things; abhīpsatha — You want.

[The washerman said:] You impudent boys! You’re accustomed to roaming the mountains and forests, and yet You would dare put on such clothes as these! These are the King’s possessions You’re asking for!

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