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Text 51

so ’pi vavre ’calāṁ bhaktiṁ
tasminn evākhilātmani
tad-bhakteṣu ca sauhārdaṁ
bhūteṣu ca dayāṁ parām

saḥ — he; api — and; vavre — chose; acalām — unshakable; bhaktim — devotion; tasmin — to Him; eva — alone; akhila — of everything; ātmani — the Supreme Soul; tat — toward His; bhakteṣu — devotees; ca — and; sauhārdam — friendship; bhūteṣu — toward living beings in general; ca — and; dayām — mercy; parām — transcendental.

Sudāmā chose unshakable devotion for Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Soul of all existence; friendship with His devotees; and transcendental compassion for all living beings.

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