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Text 22
tayos tad adbhutaṁ vīryaṁ
niśāmya pura-vāsinaḥ
tejaḥ prāgalbhyaṁ rūpaṁ ca
menire vibudhottamau
tayoḥ — of Them; tat — that; adbhutam — amazing; vīryam — heroic deed; niśāmya — seeing; pura-vāsinaḥ — the residents of the city; tejaḥ — Their strength; prāgalbhyam — boldness; rūpam — beauty; ca — and; menire — they considered; vibudha — of demigods; uttamau — two of the best.
Having witnessed the amazing deed Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma had performed, and seeing Their strength, boldness and beauty, the people of the city thought They must be two prominent demigods.