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Text 7

vāla-vyajanam ādāya
ratna-daṇḍaṁ sakhī-karāt
tena vījayatī devī
upāsāṁ cakra īśvaram

vāla — of (yak’s) hair; vyajanam — a fan; ādāya — taking; ratna — jeweled; daṇḍam — the handle of which; sakhī — of her maidservant; karāt — from the hand; tena — with it; vījayatī — fanning; devī — the goddess; upāsām cakre — she worshiped; īśvaram — her master.

From her maidservant’s hand Goddess Rukmiṇī took a yak-hair fan with a jeweled handle, and then she began to worship her master by fanning Him.

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