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Text 31

manyunā kṣubhitaḥ śrīmān
samudra iva parvaṇi
jātyāruṇākṣo ’ti-ruṣā
nyarbudaṁ glaham ādade

manyunā — by anger; kṣubhitaḥ — agitated; śrī-mān — possessing beauty, or the beautiful goddess of fortune; samudraḥ — the ocean; iva — like; parvaṇi — on the full-moon day; jātyā — by nature; aruṇa — reddish; akṣaḥ — whose eyes; ati — extreme; ruṣā — with anger; nyarbudam — of one hundred million; glaham — a wager; ādade — accepted.

Shaking with anger like the ocean on the full-moon day, handsome Lord Balarāma, His naturally reddish eyes even redder in His fury, accepted a wager of one hundred million gold coins.

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