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Text 39

nihate rukmiṇi śyāle
nābravīt sādhv asādhu vā
rakmiṇī-balayo rājan
sneha-bhaṅga-bhayād dhariḥ

nihate — being killed; rukmiṇi — Rukmī; śyāle — His brother-in-law; na abravīt — did not say; sādhu — good; asādhu — not good; — or; rukmiṇī-balayoḥ — of Rukmiṇī and Balarāma; rājan — O King; sneha — the affection; bhaṅga — of breaking; bhayāt — out of fear; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa.

When His brother-in-law Rukmī was slain, Lord Kṛṣṇa neither applauded nor protested, O King, for He feared jeopardizing His affectionate ties with either Rukmiṇī or Balarāma.

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