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Text 23

yatra yatropalakṣyeta
sa-saubhaḥ saha-sainikaḥ
śālvas tatas tato ’muñcañ
charān sātvata-yūthapāḥ

yatra yatra — wherever; upalakṣyeta — would appear; sa-saubhaḥ — with Saubha; saha-sainikaḥ — with his soldiers; śālvaḥ — Śālva; tataḥ tataḥ — in each of those locations; amuñcan — they released; śarān — their arrows; sātvata — of the Yadus; yūtha-pāḥ — the chiefs of the army.

Wherever Śālva would appear with his Saubha ship and his army, there the Yadu commanders would shoot their arrows.

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