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Texts 35-36

api naḥ smaryate brahman
vṛttaṁ nivasatāṁ gurau
guru-dāraiś coditānām
indhanānayane kvacit

praviṣṭānāṁ mahāraṇyam
apartau su-mahad dvija
vāta-varṣam abhūt tīvraṁ
niṣṭhurāḥ stanayitnavaḥ

api — whether; naḥ — of us; smaryate — are remembered; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; vṛttam — what we did; nivasatām — who were living; gurau — with our spiritual master; guru — of our guru; dāraiḥ — by the wife; coditānām — who were sent; indhana — firewood; anayane — for fetching; kvacit — once; praviṣṭānām — having entered; mahā-araṇyam — the large forest; apa-ṛtau — unseasonal; su-mahat — very great; dvija — O twice-born one; vāta — wind; varṣam — and rain; abhūt — arose; tīvram — fierce; niṣṭhurāḥ — harsh; stanayitnavaḥ — thundering.

O brāhmaṇa, do you remember what happened to us while we were living with our spiritual master? Once our guru’s wife sent us to fetch firewood, and after we entered the vast forest, O twice-born one, an unseasonal storm arose, with fierce wind and rain and harsh thunder.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains that this storm arose during winter and was therefore unseasonal.

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