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Text 16

yadṛcchayā nṛtāṁ prāpya
su-kalpām iha durlabhām
svārthe pramattasya vayo
gataṁ tvan-māyayeśvara

yadṛcchayā — somehow or other; nṛtām — human status; prāpya — obtaining; su-kalpām — fit; iha — in this life; durlabhām — difficult to achieve; sva — his own; arthe — about the welfare; pramattasya — of one who is confused; vayaḥ — the span of life; gatam — spent; tvat — Your; māyayā — by the illusory energy; īśvara — O Lord.

By good fortune a soul may obtain a healthy human life — an opportunity rarely achieved. But if he is nonetheless deluded about what is best for him, O Lord, Your illusory Māyā will cause him to waste his entire life.

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