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Text 35

tasmin praviṣṭāv upalabhya daitya-rāḍ
viśvātma-daivaṁ sutarāṁ tathātmanaḥ
sadyaḥ samutthāya nanāma sānvayaḥ

tasmin — there; praviṣṭau — (the two of Them) entered; upalabhya — noticing; daitya-rāṭ — the King of the Daityas (Bali); viśva — of the entire universe; ātma — the Soul; daivam — and supreme Deity; sutarām — especially; tathā — also; ātmanaḥ — of himself; tat — Them; darśana — due to seeing; āhlāda — with the joy; paripluta — overwhelmed; āśayaḥ — his heart; sadyaḥ — immediately; samutthāya — standing up; nanāma — he bowed down; sa — together with; anvayaḥ — his entourage.

When the King of the Daityas, Bali Mahārāja, noticed the arrival of the two Lords, his heart overflowed with joy, since he knew Them to be the Supreme Soul and worshipable Deity of the entire universe, and especially of himself. He immediately stood up and then bowed down to offer respects, along with his entire entourage.

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