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Text 58

evaṁ-vidhāny adbhutāni
kṛṣṇasya paramātmanaḥ
vīryāṇy ananta-vīryasya
santy anantāni bhārata

evam-vidhāni — like this; adbhutāni — amazing; kṛṣṇasya — of Kṛṣṇa; parama-ātmanaḥ — the Supreme Soul; vīryāṇi — feats; ananta — unlimited; vīryasya — whose valor; santi — there are; anantāni — unlimited; bhārata — O descendant of Bharata.

Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Soul, the Lord of unlimited valor, performed countless pastimes just as amazing as this one, O descendant of Bharata.

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