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Text 5

ekadā gṛham ānīya
ātithyena nimantrya tam
śraddhayopahṛtaṁ bhaikṣyaṁ
balena bubhuje kila

ekadā — once; gṛham — to His (Balarāma’s) home; ānīya — bringing; ātithyena — as a guest; nimantrya — inviting; tam — him (Arjuna); śraddhayā — with faith; upahṛtam — presented; bhaikṣyam — food; balena — by Lord Balarāma; bubhuje — he ate; kila — indeed.

One day Lord Balarāma brought him to His home as His invited dinner guest, and Arjuna ate the food the Lord respectfully offered him.

From the explanation of Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, it is understood that Arjuna in his sannyāsī role had just finished the four-month vows of the rainy season and could now again accept general invitations from householders. Thus no one would have suspected any unusual motive in his visiting Lord Balarāma at this time.

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