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Text 9

sa yadā vitathodyogo
nirviṇṇaḥ syād dhanehayā
mat-paraiḥ kṛta-maitrasya
kariṣye mad-anugraham

saḥ — he; yadā — when; vitatha — useless; udyogaḥ — his attempt; nirviṇṇaḥ — frustrated; syāt — becomes; dhana — for money; īhayā — with his endeavor; mat — to Me; paraiḥ — with those who are devoted; kṛta — for him who has made; maitrasya — friendship; kariṣye — I will show; mat — My; anugraham — mercy.

When he becomes frustrated in his attempts to make money and instead befriends My devotees, I bestow My special mercy upon him.

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