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Text 11

kṛṣṇas tu tat-stana-viṣajjita-kuṅkuma-srak
siñcan muhur yuvatibhiḥ pratiṣicyamāno
reme kareṇubhir ivebha-patiḥ parītaḥ

kṛṣṇaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; tu — and; tat — their; stana — from the breasts; viṣajjita — becoming attached; kuṅkuma — the kuṅkuma powder; srak — on whose flower garland; krīḍā — in the sport; abhiṣaṅga — due to His absorption; dhuta — shaken; kuntala — of the locks of hair; vṛnda — of the mass; bandhaḥ — the arrangement; siñcan — sprinkling; muhuḥ — repeatedly; yuvatibhiḥ — by the young women; pratiṣicyamānaḥ — being sprinkled in return; reme — He enjoyed; kareṇubhiḥ — by she-elephants; iva — as; ibha-patiḥ — the king of elephants; parītaḥ — surrounded.

Lord Kṛṣṇa’s flower garland would become smeared with kuṅkuma from their breasts, and His abundant locks of hair would become disheveled as a result of His absorption in the game. As the Lord repeatedly sprayed His young consorts and they sprayed Him in turn, He enjoyed Himself like the king of elephants enjoying in the company of his bevy of she-elephants.

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