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Text 20
tīrthānāṁ srotasāṁ gaṅgā
samudraḥ sarasām aham
āyudhānāṁ dhanur ahaṁ
tripura-ghno dhanuṣmatām
tirthānām — among holy places; srotasām — among flowing things; gaṅgā — the sacred Ganges; samudraḥ — the ocean; sarasām — among steady bodies of water; aham — I am; āyudhānām — among weapons; dhanuḥ — the bow; aham — I am; tri-pura-ghnaḥ — Lord Śiva; dhanuḥ-matām — among those who wield the bow.
Among sacred and flowing things I am the holy Ganges, and among steady bodies of water I am the ocean. Among weapons I am the bow, and of the wielders of weapons I am Lord Śiva.
Lord Śiva used his bow to completely cover with arrows the three demoniac cities built by Maya Dānava.