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Text 41

ya etat prātar utthāya
śraddhayā vāg-yataḥ paṭhet
itihāsaṁ hariṁ smṛtvā
sa yāti paramāṁ gatim

yaḥ — any person who; etat — this; prātaḥ — early in the morning; utthāya — rising; śraddhayā — with faith; vāk-yataḥ — controlling the mind and words; paṭhet — may read; itihāsam — history; harim — the Supreme Lord; smṛtvā — remembering; saḥ — that person; yāti — goes; paramām gatim — back home, back to Godhead.

One who rises from bed early in the morning and recites this history of Citraketu, controlling his words and mind and remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will return home, back to Godhead, without difficulty.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Sixth Canto, Seventeenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam entitled “Mother Pārvatī Curses Citraketu.”

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