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Text 25

etac caritvā vidhivad vrataṁ vibhor
abhīpsitārthaṁ labhate pumān iha
strī caitad āsthāya labheta saubhagaṁ
śriyaṁ prajāṁ jīva-patiṁ yaśo gṛham

etat — this; caritvā — performing; vidhi-vat — according to the injunctions of śāstra; vratam — vow; vibhoḥ — from the Lord; abhīpsita — desired; artham — object; labhate — gets; pumān — a man; iha — in this life; strī — a woman; ca — and; etat — this; āsthāya — performing; labheta — can get; saubhagam — good fortune; śriyam — opulence; prajām — progeny; jīva-patim — a husband with a long duration of life; yaśaḥ — good reputation; gṛham — home.

If this vow or ritualistic ceremony is observed according to the description of śāstra, even in this life a man will be able to achieve all the benedictions he desires from the Lord. A wife who performs this ritualistic ceremony will surely receive good fortune, opulence, sons, a long-living husband, a good reputation and a good home.

In Bengal even today if a woman lives for a long time with her husband, she is considered very fortunate. A woman generally desires a good husband, good children, a good home, prosperity, opulence and so on. As recommended in this verse, a woman will receive all these desirable benedictions, and a man will also be able to receive all benedictions, from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus by performing this particular type of vrata, a man and a woman in Kṛṣṇa consciousness will be happy in this material world, and because of being Kṛṣṇa conscious they will be promoted to the spiritual world.

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