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Text 8

haviḥ-śeṣaṁ ca juhuyād
anale dvādaśāhutī
oṁ namo bhagavate mahā-puruṣāya
mahāvibhūti-pataye svāheti

haviḥ-śeṣam — remnants of the offering; ca — and; juhuyāt — one should offer; anale — in the fire; dvādaśa — twelve; āhutīḥ — oblations; om — O my Lord; namaḥ — obeisances; bhagavate — unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mahā-puruṣāya — the supreme enjoyer; mahā-vibhūti — of the goddess of fortune; pataye — the husband; svāhā — hail; iti — thus.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: After worshiping the Lord with all the paraphernalia mentioned above, one should chant the following mantra while offering twelve oblations of ghee on the sacred fire: oṁ namo bhagavate mahā-puruṣāya mahāvibhūti-pataye svāhā.

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