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Text 41

dhunvanta uttarāsaṅgān
patiṁ vīkṣya cirāgatam
uttarāḥ kosalā mālyaiḥ
kiranto nanṛtur mudā

dhunvantaḥ — waving; uttara-āsaṅgān — the upper cloths covering the body; patim — the Lord; vīkṣya — seeing; cira-āgatam — returned after many years of banishment; uttarāḥ kosalāḥ — the citizens of Ayodhyā; mālyaiḥ kirantaḥ — offering Him garlands; nanṛtuḥ — began to dance; mudā — in great jubilation.

The citizens of Ayodhyā, upon seeing their King return after a long absence, offered Him flower garlands, waved their upper cloths, and danced in great jubilation.

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