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adhyeṣyate ca ya imaṁ
dharmyaṁ saṁvādam āvayoḥ
jñāna-yajñena tenāham
iṣṭaḥ syām iti me matiḥ

adhyeṣyate – will study; ca – also; yaḥ – he who; imam – this; dharmyam – sacred; saṁvādam – conversation; āvayoḥ – of ours; jñāna – of knowledge; yajñena – by the sacrifice; tena – by him; aham – I; iṣṭaḥ – worshiped; syām – shall be; iti – thus; me – My; matiḥ – opinion.

And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence.

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