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Text 14

ity unmatta-vaco gopyaḥ
līlā bhagavatas tās tā
hy anucakrus tad-ātmikāḥ

iti — thus; unmatta — maddened; vacaḥ — speaking words; gopyaḥ — the gopīs; kṛṣṇa-anveṣaṇa — by searching for Kṛṣṇa; kātarāḥ — distraught; līlāḥ — the transcendental pastimes; bhagavataḥ — of Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tāḥ tāḥ — each of them; hi — indeed; anucakruḥ — they acted out; tat-ātmikāḥ — becoming absorbed in thought of Him.

Having spoken these words, the gopīs, distraught from searching for Kṛṣṇa, began to act out His various pastimes, fully absorbed in thoughts of Him.

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