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Text 12

kasyāścin nāṭya-vikṣipta
gaṇḍaṁ gaṇḍe sandadhatyāḥ
prādāt tāmbūla-carvitam

kasyāścit — to a certain gopī; nāṭya — by the dancing; vikṣipta — shaken; kuṇḍala — whose earrings; tviṣa — with the glitter; maṇḍitam — adorned; gaṇḍam — her cheek; gaṇḍe — next to His cheek; sandadhatyāḥ — who was placing; prādāt — He carefully gave; tāmbūla — the betel nut; carvitam — chewed.

Next to Kṛṣṇa’s cheek one gopī put her own, beautified by the effulgence of her earrings, which glittered as she danced. Kṛṣṇa then carefully gave her the betel nut He was chewing.

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