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Text 32

iha svārtho na vidyate
viparyayeṇa vānartho
nirahaṅkāriṇāṁ prabho

kuśala — pious; ācaritena — by activity; eṣām — for them; iha — in this world; sva-arthaḥ — selfish benefit; na vidyate — does not accrue; viparyayeṇa — by the opposite; — or; anarthaḥ — undesirable reactions; nirahaṅkāriṇām — who are free from false ego; prabho — my dear sir.

My dear Prabhu, when these great persons who are free from false ego act piously in this world, they have no selfish motives to fulfill, and even when they act in apparent contradiction to the laws of piety, they are not subject to sinful reactions.

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