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Text 4

tato dundubhayo nedur
nipetuḥ puṣpa-vṛṣṭayaḥ
jagur gandharva-patayaḥ
sa-strīkās tad-yaśo ’malam

tataḥ — then; dundubhayaḥ — kettledrums; neduḥ — resounded; nipetuḥ — fell down; puṣpa — of flowers; vṛṣṭayaḥ — rain; jaguḥ — they sang; gandharva-patayaḥ — the chief Gandharvas; sa-strīkāḥ — along with their wives; tat — of Him, Lord Kṛṣṇa; yaśaḥ — the glories; amalam — spotless.

Kettledrums then resounded in the sky while flowers rained down and the chief Gandharvas and their wives sang Lord Kṛṣṇa’s spotless glories.

As stated here, Lord Kṛṣṇa’s glory in dancing the rāsa dance is pure spiritual bliss. The demigods in heaven, in charge of maintaining propriety in the universe, ecstatically accepted the rāsa dance as the ultimate religious affair, completely different from the perverted reflection of romance we find in this mundane world.

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