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Text 27

manāṁsi tāsām aravinda-locanaḥ
jahāra matta-dviradendra-vikramo
dṛśāṁ dadac chrī-ramaṇātmanotsavam

manāṁsi — the minds; tāsām — their; aravinda — like lotuses; locanaḥ — He whose eyes; pragalbha — bold; līlā — with His pastimes; hasita — smiling; avalokaiḥ — with His glances; jahāra — He took away; matta — in rut; dvirada-indra — (like) a lordly elephant; vikramaḥ — whose gait; dṛśām — to their eyes; dadat — affording; śrī — of the goddess of fortune; ramaṇa — which is the source of pleasure; ātmanā — with His body; utsavam — a festival.

The lotus-eyed Lord, smiling as He recalled His bold pastimes, captivated those ladies’ minds with His glances. He walked with the gait of a lordly elephant in rut, creating a festival for their eyes with His transcendental body, which is the source of pleasure for the divine goddess of fortune.

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