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Text 9

sa paryāvartamānena
savya-dakṣiṇato ’cyutaḥ
babhrāma bhrāmyamāṇena
go-vatseneva bālakaḥ

saḥ — He; paryāvartamānena — with him (the elephant) who was being moved around; savya-dakṣiṇataḥ — to the left and then the right; acyutaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; babhrāma — moved also; bhrāmyamāṇena — together with him who was being moved; go-vatsena — with a calf; iva — just as; bālakaḥ — a young boy.

As Lord Acyuta held on to the elephant’s tail, the animal tried to twist away to the left and to the right, making the Lord swerve in the opposite direction, as a young boy would swerve when pulling a calf by the tail.

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