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Text 8

kva vajra-sāra-sarvāṅgau
mallau śailendra-sannibhau
kva cāti-sukumārāṅgau
kiśorau nāpta-yauvanau

kva — where, on the one hand; vajra — of lightning; sāra — with the strength; sarva — all; aṅgau — whose limbs; mallau — two wrestlers; śaila — mountains; indra — like the chief; sannibhau — whose appearance; kva — where; ca — and, on the other hand; ati — very; su-kumāra — tender; aṅgau — whose limbs; kiśorau — two youths; na āpta — not having yet attained; yauvanau — Their maturity.

What comparison can there be between these two professional wrestlers, with limbs as strong as lightning bolts and bodies resembling mighty mountains, and these two young, immature boys with exceedingly tender limbs?

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