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Text 15

bhojitaṁ paramānnena
saṁviṣṭaṁ kaśipau sukham
gata-śramaṁ paryapṛcchat

bhojitam — fed; parama-annena — with first-class food; saṁviṣṭam — seated; kaśipau — on a nice bed; sukham — comfortably; gata — relieved; śramam — of fatigue; paryapṛcchat — he inquired; pāda — of his feet; saṁvāhana — with massaging; ādibhiḥ — and so on.

After Uddhava had eaten first-class food, been seated comfortably on a bed and been relieved of his fatigue by a foot massage and other means, Nanda inquired from him as follows.

Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī mentions that Nanda had a servant massage Uddhava’s feet, since Uddhava was Nanda’s nephew.

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