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Text 48

ka utsaheta santyaktum
anicchato ’pi yasya śrīr
aṅgān na cyavate kvacit

kaḥ — who; utsaheta — can bear; santyaktum — to give up; uttamaḥśloka — with Lord Kṛṣṇa; saṁvidam — intimate talks; anicchataḥ — not wanted; api — even though; yasya — whose; śrīḥ — the supreme goddess of fortune; aṅgāt — the body; na cyavate — does not let go of; kvacit — ever.

Who can bear to give up intimate talks with Lord Uttamaḥśloka? Although He shows no interest in her, Goddess Śrī never moves from her place on His chest.

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