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Text 18

bhagavān bhīṣmaka-sutāṁ
rukmiṇīṁ rucirānanām
rākṣasena vidhānena
upayema iti śrutam

śrī-rājā uvāca — the King (Parīkṣit Mahārāja) said; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; bhīṣmaka-sutām — the daughter of Bhīṣmaka; rukmiṇīm — Śrīmatī Rukmiṇī-devī; rucira — charming; ānanām — whose face; rākṣasena — called Rākṣasa; vidhānena — by the method (namely, by kidnapping); upayeme — He married; iti — thus; śrutam — heard.

King Parīkṣit said: The Supreme Lord married Rukmiṇī, the beautiful-faced daughter of Bhīṣmaka, in the Rākṣasa style — or so I have heard.

Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī quotes the following smṛti statement: rākṣaso yuddha-haraṇāt. “A Rākṣasa marriage takes place when the bride is stolen from one’s rival suitors by force.” Similarly, Śukadeva Gosvāmī himself has already said, rājñaḥ pramathya: Kṛṣṇa had to beat down opposing kings to take Rukmiṇī.

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