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Text 11

su-snātāṁ su-datīṁ kanyāṁ
bhūṣitāṁ bhūṣaṇottamaiḥ

su-snātām — properly bathed; su-datīm — with spotless teeth; kanyām — the bride; kṛta — having performed; kautuka-maṅgalām — the ceremony of putting on the auspicious marriage necklace; āhata — unused; aṁśuka — of garments; yugmena — with a pair; bhūṣitām — adorned; bhūṣaṇa — with ornaments; uttamaiḥ — most excellent.

The bride cleaned her teeth and bathed, after which she put on the auspicious wedding necklace. Then she was dressed in brand-new upper and lower garments and adorned with most excellent jeweled ornaments.

According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, only spotless clothing fresh off the loom should be worn during auspicious ceremonies.

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