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Text 21

sa ca māyāṁ samāśritya
daiteyīṁ maya-darśitam
mumuce ’stra-mayaṁ varṣaṁ
kārṣṇau vaihāyaso ’suraḥ

saḥ — he, Śambara; ca — and; māyām — magic; samāśritya — resorting to; daiteyīm — demoniac; maya — by Maya Dānava; darśitam — shown; mumuce — he released; astra-mayam — of weapons; varṣam — a rainfall; kārṣṇau — upon the son of Kṛṣṇa; vaihāyasaḥ — standing in the sky; asuraḥ — the demon.

Resorting to the black magic of the Daityas taught to him by Maya Dānava, Śambara suddenly appeared in the sky and released a downpour of weapons upon Kṛṣṇa’s son.

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