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Text 33

adṛṣṭvā nirgamaṁ śaureḥ
praviṣṭasya bilaṁ janāḥ
pratīkṣya dvādaśāhāni
duḥkhitāḥ sva-puraṁ yayuḥ

adṛṣṭvā — not seeing; nirgamam — the exit; śaureḥ — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; praviṣṭasya — who had gone inside; bilam — the cave; janaḥ — the people; pratīkṣya — after waiting; dvādaśa — twelve; ahāni — days; duḥkhitāḥ — unhappy; sva — their; puram — to the city; yayuḥ — went.

After Lord Śauri had entered the cave, the people of Dvārakā who had accompanied Him had waited twelve days without seeing Him come out again. Finally they had given up and returned to their city in great sorrow.

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