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Text 25

bhūmir uvāca
namas te deva-deveśa
paramātman namo ’stu te

bhūmiḥ uvāca — the earth-goddess said; namaḥ — obeisances; te — unto You; deva-deva — of the lords of the demigods; īśa — O Lord; śaṅkha — of the conchshell; cakra — disc; gadā — and club; dhara — O holder; bhakta — of Your devotees; icchā — by the desire; upātta — who have assumed; rūpāya — Your forms; parama-ātman — O Supreme Soul; namaḥ — obeisances; astu — let there be; te — unto You.

Goddess Bhūmi said: Obeisances unto You, O Lord of the chief demigods, O holder of the conchshell, disc and club. O Supreme Soul within the heart, You assume Your various forms to fulfill Your devotees’ desires. Obeisances unto You.

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