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Text 11

tān prāptān arthino hitvā
caidyādīn smara-durmadān
dattā bhrātrā sva-pitrā ca
kasmān no vavṛṣe ’samān

tān — them; prāptān — at hand; arthinaḥ — suitors; hitvā — rejecting; caidya — Śiśupāla; ādīn — and others; smara — by Cupid; darmadān — maddened; dattā — given; bhrātrā — by your brother; sva — your; pitrā — father; ca — and; kasmāt — why; naḥ — Us; vavṛṣe — you chose; asamān — unequal.

Since your brother and father offered you to them, why did you reject the King of Cedi and all those other suitors, who stood before you, maddened by Cupid? Why, instead, did you choose Us, who are not at all your equal?

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